Thursday, June 15, 2017

This time... we got moving!

This activity is too simple to justify a post! But it was super fun and LO kept moving "aaaall day long.....". ๐Ÿ˜‰
We did this when LO was in his second year, trying to figure out to move more actively. And now I thought we should do it again just to take snaps for the blog! Oops...๐Ÿ˜‰Anyways LO enjoyed it even though it seemed too simple for him.๐Ÿ˜„
Ok, Let's get moving...
Assemble all the pillows you have. Then line them up as you wish, just imagine your child is gonna walk on some obstacles.

And that's it....The fun begins! ๐Ÿ˜€

At first I asked him to walk on the pillow from one end to the another. Obviously it was easy for his age! Later LO wanted his teddy to walk on the pillow and he helped the teddy to get to the other end.

Then I removed few pillows and placed the rest with some gap between them. LO enjoyed crossing this arrangement than the former one.

He tried crawling on them with his fours.

 And hopping on them, like bunnies.

 LO helped the little cheetah and alligator to cross the pillow obstacle.

Ah... super simple and yet you can make your kids move indoors, especially on a rainy day.

Happy parenting!

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