Monday, June 19, 2017

Alphabet Activity with mini Jenga Blocks!

Hurray! We are back with an alphabet activity..๐Ÿ˜€
Jenga Blocks.. I bought these mini blocks for Little One when he was around 18 months old just to encourage his hand eye co-ordination. And when I started to introduce Alphas for LO, I used different ways to do it, and the Jenga blocks was not an exception. 

This picture was taken when LO was 20 months old. Initially, I wrote only the uppercase Alphas on the blocks. That time LO wasn't familiar with the Alphas, and look how randomly he has arranged the blocks.


After he got familiar with the upper case Alphas, I wrote the lower case letters correspondingly. 

With the remaining blocks I drew shapes, kinda puzzle for LO to sort out.

LO stacked the blocks one above the other, tried to balance some ten blocks.

Then we did simple sight words.
Then we built a tower imitating the Jenga game.

And that's the end! The other face of the block is still open for scribbling...๐Ÿ˜‰

Happy Parenting!