Friday, May 12, 2017

 Introducing Alphabet for Toddlers

We introduced Alphabet for our Little One when he was around 18 months. We bought a foam sheet ABC puzzle and he started to show interest in playing with that. I never thought he would start learning the letters at an early age. 
We want to make his learning more fun. So what I did was, I stuck alphabet with a related picture/toy all around our living room. I stuck the letters one at a time so that he would get familiarized with that before I move on to the next one.
We bought another kinda foam alphabet and I used letters from that to stick on the wall. Like for 'A' Apple, and for 'B' Butterfly....
We did the pictures for few alphabet together, so it was also a kinda craft time for me and LO:) We used pipe cleaners, colored ice cream sticks and foam sheets to do some of them. We completely enjoyed doing it. For 'K','C' and 'J' it was my husband's idea.
LO loved this idea lot and had immense pleasure looking around for the letters with the pictures.

We still have these letters on the wall and its been more than a year and a half, even now LO loves looking around for them.

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