Saturday, May 9, 2020

Put your kids to work!!!

Yes, put your kids to work alongside you, to develop the habit of helping others. Moreover I feel doing tasks together can contribute to strengthen our relationships. LO, right now is in his kindergarten, love to help me in household activities, sometimes he wanted to do all by himself. And while doing so he would say "Ma, you please go and do some other work!!!". I can't resist instructing and correcting him, and he completely doesn't like me interrupting in his work, because of his overwhelming desire to be completely independent!! Now I have corrected myself and understood the ill effects of 'helicopter parenting'! Now I'm resisting myself from not interrupting him! Silly me, parenting is a lifelong learning process, I understood very late! 
But with the toddlers chores may only be completed with your help each step of the way. While their help may not be as helpful as we would think, keeping their enthusiasm and the habit of helping alive is worth the extra work!Ok, Let's get into chores.

LO's vehicle wash!  

Just give them soap water, brush and dipper! Sit back and watch the fun. What would kids do if they are allowed to play with water, that too in this summer! That would be a never ending play! This chore turned out to be a two-in-one for LO, both fun play and vehicles clean up.

He cleaned up his Bicycle, Tricycle, My Black scooty, Red scooty, and his Skateboard scooter. And finally his school bag too! 

Water with soap in a tub. Its bubbles time!

And finally he let the vehicles dry in the sun.

His school bag too had a clean wash!

Happy Parenting😊😊😊
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