Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Animals and Habitats - Sorting activity for Pre-Schoolers

The previous activities on Animal sorting and Old Mac Donald farm were a big hit with LO, so I thought to do one more sorting activity using the animals๐Ÿ„๐Ÿ…๐Ÿ™๐Ÿข๐Ÿง๐ŸจWe had a collection of sea animals, insects and jungle animals, and LO sorts the animals into two or three categories based on his own designed criteria! So I thought let's do an animal sorting based on their habitats. By this I can introduce him to the habitat's terms and based animal sorting. 

How do we assemble:

Get your construction papers, I used five different colors for five different habitats, markers, crayons, glue, scissors and the animal toys.

Decide which habitats to include in the activity game. I decided on Sea, Farm, Forest, Polar Region and Wet Lands. See to that at least you have two animals in the decided category.

Start to create the habitat mats using the construction paper. I loved doing this. We used markers and crayons. LO helped me to glue the labels and color the habitats. 

LO loved the habitat mats! He was happy that he contributed in creating them. If you love the mats you created sooo much, you can even laminate them and have it forever!!

And its all done! Its time for some learning cloaked as a game!๐Ÿ˜

To make it simple I told him that most of the amphibian animals are found in the wet lands. The term "Wet Land" was new to him. 

And added "The Polar bear is found in the Polar region". All these days we categorized seal as an sea animal, and to convince him to put the seal in the Polar region was the hardest part. And some how he agreed to it finally!

He was comfortable in sorting the other categories namely, the Farm animals, Forest animals and Sea animals. You can have one more category as Jungle, but truly I was bit confused in sorting the animals between jungle and forest!

We also talked about the Habitats, like the Forest has lot of trees, the Polar region would be full of snow, the Wet lands would be marshy kinda, and the Farm is owned by Old Mac Donald๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€

Try this simple easy peasy activity and use this game as an ice breaker to teach your kids about the science facts. I am sure they would love to learn all these new facts.

Happy Parenting! ๐Ÿ˜Š

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