Thursday, January 18, 2018

Undersea Collage - Toddler Activity

Last summer, when we went to beach, me and LO collected some shells, and it had been staying ideal for all these days. I wanted to do some activity with those shells but didn't know what to do exactly. Had few blur ideas, but nothing was worth enough to do with a preschooler. So one evening I lost all patience, can't see the shells sitting idle, so I thought lets give some color to the shells, for a start. That evening went colorfully, with me and LO trying our hands at painting the shells. We let them dry and dry and dry....😁 A week passed, and again I wanted to do something with those colored shells, and finally ended up with this simple Undersea collage activity!!πŸ‹πŸŸ

Initially I didn't plan much, we just started with making the fish collage with the papers🐟

Added Googly eyes for additional effect..

Used the pipe cleaners for the water plants..

And finally the shells...!!! πŸ˜€

We had so much fun in making this Undersea activity. Hope you would love this idea..!
Happy Parenting 😊

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Creative play with Play Dough - Part 5

When Me and LO set out to play with Play Dough, we didn't plan anything specific, but we ended up in making animals, this time. I have discussed enough about Play Dough, and I don't have much to write in this post. We just enjoyed playing with the dough, and LO was trying to make shapes with the dough on his own. 

Creative Play Dough for Toddlers

We made a Dragon fly and extrapolated it to a butterfly.

Creative Play Dough for Toddlers

LO helped me in making those elongated shapes.

Creative Play Dough for Toddlers

We made sea Turtle and LO didn't miss out to make eyes with the pen tip!!

Creative Play Dough for Toddlers

And the Octopus with Googly eyes...

Creative Play Dough for Toddlers

We extrapolated the Octopus to Spider, since both has "eight " in common!πŸ˜€

Creative Play Dough for Toddlers

LO insisted the spider to build a web, and I helped the spider in making the instant web with the sketch!😜

Creative Play Dough for Toddlers

We tried snowman, a girl, mushroom and helicopter!!

It was fun for both LO and ME!!!!!😁
Happy Parenting!😊

Monday, January 8, 2018

It's time to Introduce Planets and Space for Pre-Schoolers!

Last weekend we did a simple Solar System activity, with what we had already. I thought its right time to introduce Space concepts to LO. We got these planet stickers as a return gift from our friend's Space themed party. I had these stickers preserved for almost a year now, to give LO at the right time!! So it means I had been planning for this activity for ages!... πŸ˜€

And about this activity, LO already has little exposure to planets and their names after watching (several times!!) this video...
So he was comfortable with the names of the planets, and I was trying to tell him the order of the planets and the orbit concept. It was bit difficult for him to understand the concept, that the planets revolve around the sun and about the galaxy🌌!!! Silly me! πŸ˜›I know its too much for his age.. πŸ˜†

On a black paper I drew the elliptical orbits and before I completed it, LO lost all patience😏

The strip which we had, had exactly 10 circle shaped stickers. So we decided to have one for the sunπŸŒ• and rest for the planets. I thought to pick the stickers based on the planet's color and size,  and somehow we managed to stick to it.🌏

I discussed with LO that Jupiter is the largest, Saturn has rings, Mars - the red planet, and Pluto the Dwarf planet😊

I also browsed about the size of planets and noted on a paper. 

And a Space shuttle being launched from Earth.πŸš€

We named the planets and added stars to the space🌟🌟🌟

LO was enthralled to see his work and we enjoyed by displaying it on the wall. πŸŽ‰
Happy Parenting!😊